Couples Counseling for
Newly Weds and Newly Engaged couples
from Dr. D. Ivan Young

Healthy relationships are the result of strong communication skills, the ability to manage conflict, self-actualization, likened values, and the ability to achieve common goals. Our 7-8 week couples coaching program empowers both parties individually and collectively to succeed at cultivating an enriching rewarding relationship.
Our 15 years of experience and research working with couples have proven that this program is best suited for younger (23 to 30-year-olds individuals), newly engaged, or newlywed couples who do NOT have children. This program is well suited for couples who have NOT experienced infidelity and betrayal, mental and emotional abuse, or that are licensed professionals or public figures.
Couples counseling DOES NOT WORK well, if at all, for individuals over 30 years old and up; this is especially true for blended families or couples who’ve been together for more than 5 years. The reason is simple, there are simply too many individual, and collective, deeply-rooted long term issues that CANNOT be resolved in a seven to eight weeks. But don’t panic; we have proven, evidenced, and research-based programs for you too. Call to inquire 877.508.2025 ext 102.
The reason for Dr. Young’s approach is simple, it takes into consideration more mature couples have more encompassing deeper issues than younger couples who are just getting started. The more sophisticated the person, the more extensive their individual challenges and blind spots. This alone necessitates that both individuals address their own personal problems first.
Put mildly, the more mature the person, the more baggage there is too unpack. In such cases, Dr. Young sees both parties concurrently, working with each party individually and collectively.
Pricing starts at $3,500.00. Couples Coaching / Counseling Sessions done individually and collectively over a period of 6 – 8 weeks. You can select a payment plan of $1,750/month divided into two payments or three payments of $1,167 debited every 21 days.

Love is the only game that two can play, and “BOTH” parties lose. You cannot un-strike a match. To fully connect with and understand someone else, you must first fully yourself!