Professional and C-Suite Coaching

Leadership is a learned skill, not an innate talent.

While some individuals may possess a natural charisma and charm, these traits alone are not enough to become an effective leader.

Consciously improving these traits through professional coaching is crucial. Failure to do so may lead to unfavorable behaviors and attitudes that can significantly impact even the most competent leaders’ performance and relationships with others..

Professional and Group Coaching with Dr. D. Ivan Young

Leadership is a powerful force that can make a significant impact on individuals, teams, and entire companies. That’s why we offer personalized coaching in diversity and leadership development to meet the unique needs of professionals and groups seeking professional development coaching. Our professional development coaching programs are designed to make the path toward leadership accessible to anyone, regardless of their level of confidence.

We understand that coaching is not a one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why we tailor our interventions to help individuals and groups achieve their full potential. Our goal is to empower you to embrace your unique personality and abilities and become the impactful leader you were always meant to be. With our professional development coaching, you can expect to see improvements in mood, engagement, personal effectiveness, success, and performance at work within just three months. We’ve seen a remarkable 38% decrease in failure to progress after three months of coaching, which is a testament to the effectiveness of our approaches.

ICF Master Certified Professional and C-Suite Coaching Empowers Leaders

Becoming an effective leader requires a thorough understanding of oneself. Specialized tools such as leadership capacity building and coaching for leadership development can assist individuals in gaining clarity about and understanding who and where they are right now. With this newfound knowledge, individuals can confidently make well-informed decisions that highlight their true skills, while avoiding needless distractions. Dr. D. Ivan Young is a highly skilled Master level executive coach who specializes in executive development coaching and diversity training. He is an expert in untangling complex behavioral and cognitive processes and promotes confidence, self-reflection, and overall vertical progress as both a Master MBTI Practitioner and a Master Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner.

“Before you can first understand anybody else, you will need to have clarity about yourself.” – Dr. D. Ivan Young

If you are a leader in your organization, Dr. Young’s professional and group coaching will provide the tools you need to increase your capacity. This course can empower you to perfect your gifts and management style while it also increases your ability to be mindfully present. Busy professionals in demanding lines of work such as nursing, education, the legal field, or a growing nonprofit must juggle a social life, family, personal time, and their own sanity–which are extremely intentional decisions. If you intend to thrive while wearing your many hats, it’s critical you develop a solid balance between work and life. With this balance comes sincere responsibility and consistent maintenance to sustain it.

Life will throw plenty of planned and unanticipated events at you. The right mindset about life events and your achievement goals will help you capitalize on every opportunity. Dr. Young will teach you how to use your unique gifts and capabilities while minimizing the blind spots that can create disruption and conflict. Not only do we serve professionals, but we also offer group coaching and training. Dr. Young’s team-building, diversity training, and group sessions help organizations empower their team leads, employees, contractors, and volunteers to thoroughly assess leadership and managerial conflicts while improving teamwork proficiencies.

Who It’s For

Leadership development coaching and professional leadership coaching with a diversity coaching focus are for every growing professional in a leadership role, whether you’re seasoned or just starting to stretch your legs as a manager or supervisor.

  • Busy Professionals
  • Team Leads
  • Contractors
  • Employees
  • Groups

What You’ll Gain

Is it worth it? How can you measure your skills over time? With professional and C-Suite coaching, you can expect to gain:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Clarity
  • Confidence
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Minimize blind spots which lead to conflict
  • Assess and Better
  • Manage Conflicts
  • Improve Teamwork
  • Proficiency
  • Team Building
  • Diversity training
  • Interventions that work
  • Cognitive Mental Mapping

And more! Not only can you gain excellent new skills from leadership coaching courses, but you can also learn to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors and polish your own leadership or managerial style too. Read more about this here.

We want to help you overcome challenges and take steps to remove any behavioral dysregulation trapping you or your team in cycles of sabotage. Our goal is to help you see lasting results and new habits that promote the changes you need to attack your next set of goals.

We believe that all human actions, reactions, and behaviors are the result of conditioning. Our mental and emotional conditioning has a direct cause-and-effect relationship that shapes how we process information, express ourselves, and interact with others. Like fingerprints, our patterns and behaviors are unique. Over time these reactive patterns become embedded as habits. Moreover, that’s precisely why most coaching and counseling methodologies either don’t work or, at best, have a quick decay rate. The only way permanent behavioral change happens is from the inside out.

“The only way permanent behavioral change happens is from the inside out.”

Alongside Dr. Young’s undiluted Professional and C-Suite Coaching approach, we use a three-tier program with 90-day segments. This style and program segmentation disrupt deeply embedded self-sabotaging belief systems and replaces them with new cognitive mental mapping. Using evidence-based positive psychology coaching approaches and neurolinguistics while giving clients the tools to master how they use their unique personality traits.

“Dr. Young’s undiluted approach to Professional and C-Suite Coaching disrupts deeply embedded self-sabotaging belief systems and replaces them with new cognitive mental mapping. Using evidence-based positive psychology coaching approaches and neurolinguistics while giving clients the tools to master how they use their unique personality traits. These tools are critical in identifying and overcoming relational and behavioral blind spots.” – Dr. D Ivan Young

We pride ourselves on the consistent success and transformation of our clients. Our individualized, concierge coaching program is person-centered, focusing on the needs of the individual for extreme effectiveness. Outdated, marginally successful counseling and coaching methodologies and interventions don’t yield authentic, long-term results. Our three-tier, 90-day segmented program offers precision, timeliness, and credible evidence-based approaches that deliver powerful dramatic results.

Professional and C-Suite Coaching is for the whole person and the entire team, with sustainable growth and success. Get yourself or your group registered today! Please call us at 877-508-2025 for access to this section of the website. Once you have been granted access to this page, click the button below & enter the password. Getting started is that easy!


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