Do You and Your Brand Messaging Match? If They Don’t – You’re Doomed!

Your brand messaging must align with your identity

So you left the 9-5 world and branched out on your own. You’re still getting used to calling yourself an entrepreneur. You’ve made a name for yourself, but you haven’t met your goals yet. As an entrepreneur, you want your brand messaging to align with your values. But if you’re not living your life in alignment with your values, it’s going to affect your messaging. This goes for entrepreneurs, but also if you’re a brand inside of a brand – like a pro athlete on a sports team. 

I know how challenging it can be to put your money where your mouth is. To live your life the way you know you should. 

As an experienced National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach – I can help you live up to your vision. I know from firsthand experience what it’s like to go back to the drawing board and succeed. I’ve helped my clients do the same. 

Let’s dig into why you should live in alignment with your brand. 

Why Is Brand Messaging Important?

Let’s face it – most people aren’t going to trust a dentist with rotting teeth to take care of their teeth. To be successful, you MUST become your brand. 

If you talk the talk – but fail to walk the walk – you won’t get far. If you can communicate what you have to offer and why people should listen to you – you’ve won only half the battle. But the greater truth is – “Durable success only happens when you live what you preach.”

Walking the walk is critical for building trust with your clients.

How can you expect to expand your business if you don’t establish yourself as a trustworthy professional? 

Being trustworthy helps you with your outbound and inbound client acquisition. When you approach potential clients, you’ll be armed with testimonials and success stories. And ensuring you’re a trustworthy resource for your clients means you’ll have referrals from happy clients. 

If you want to be respected in your field, you have to make sure you’re acting in a manner that’s worthy of respect. 

How Can You Align Your Brand Messaging Strategy With Your Values?

There are 3 things every individual – especially entrepreneurs, pro athletes, and high-net-worth professionals – should be doing to nurture their personal and professional development.

     1. Take care of yourself.

This includes your mental, emotional, and physical health. What good is making millions of dollars per year if you can’t walk up a flight of stairs? 

If you aren’t healthy, how can you expect to achieve peak performance? You may think you don’t need to be physically healthy if you work in an office or your job doesn’t require it. But we all know by now that everything is connected – especially your mind and body. 

When it comes to your brand and positioning yourself as an expert, your audience will judge you by the trail of evidence you leave behind. Connect with yourself and your brand messaging will connect with your audience. 

     2.  Make good use of your resources. 

Are you throwing away your money and time? 

If you aren’t reinvesting your money, spending time on elevating your skillset, or finding ways to work smarter – your business will stop growing. 

As soon as you decide that you know all there is to know, you forfeit the opportunity to grow as an individual and as a brand. There’s always room for improvement, so don’t make the mistake of thinking you’ve gone as far as you can.

While the values that you build your life and brand around might remain the same – your chosen profession and the world around you are ever-changing. Your brand has to simultaneously remain authentic and relevant. 

     3. Show appreciation and grace for others.

I encourage every individual to treat others with decency and respect – with or without a brand. When you’re trying to promote yourself and further your business, you can’t do it alone. 

Whether you have employees, clients, or loved ones who support you – you better appreciate them. 

Clients will come back to you if they feel safe and heard. They might bring their friends too. Your employees will put their best foot forward for you if you put yours forward for them. It’s the professional version of hokey-pokey. 

And don’t leave out those in your life that you started this all for in the first place. If you lost everything today, you’d want to have people standing by your side to help you rebuild. You can make sure they’d want to stick around.  

Because if you only receive and never give back, nobody will want to support your brand.

Your Brand and Life Should Exist in Harmony

When we take action that doesn’t align with our values, we feel icky. But if you lack confidence in yourself and your values, you might ignore this feeling. 

You don’t want to get to the end of the road and not recognize the person you’ve become.

You can’t build a brand from a place of uncertainty. And if you don’t believe in what you’re offering, nobody else will believe it either. Your values and vision have to be clear to you –  so your brand messaging will be clear to your target audience. 

We all struggle with figuring out who we are and what we’re meant to do. If it was that easy, my job wouldn’t exist and there wouldn’t be demand for books and courses centered around personal development, mindset, and professional advice. 

I’m here for you and your goals. Don’t let your vision fade away because you can’t see it clearly on your own. And don’t let poor personal choices tear down everything you’ve built so far. You can either be the reason your brand is successful – or the reason it never goes anywhere. 

So what’s it going to be?

Book a call with me and we’ll come up with an individualized plan to strengthen the connection between your values and your mission. If the pieces of your life don’t coexist, it’s time to do something about it.  

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